Announcing - An enterprise 2.0 solution powered by Intel

Posted by Jobi George on Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Today Intel is announcing the launch of – a collection of web2.0 stack jointly developed by leading web2.0 players that include – MOVABLETYPE, SimpleFeed, Socialtext, Newsgator and Spikesource. We are announcing this at the currently ongoing Tim O’Reilly web2.0 conference in San Francisco, CA. SuiteTwo is a rich set of interconnected services that combine to improve productivity and enable high-engagement marketing. SuiteTwo includes the most trusted platforms for blogs, wikis, RSS feed reading, and RSS feed management, all under a single management interface.

This is a significant first step for Intel in solving enterprises' ever-increasing desire to deploy web2.0 technologies inside the firewall quickly. SuiteTwo. This had been a great effort at cross-industry collaboration to quickly bring a solution to a sector. Stay tuned. We are already busy with version 2.0

Originally posted at Blogspot on 2006-11-07 11:37:00 +0000 UTC