Apple: The Great Leadeship - 'The change from within'

Posted by Jobi George on Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today there is an excellent post by Geoffrey Helt at Minnyvale on how Steve transformed Apple. I have summarized it below -

The fundamental challenge facing the leadership team at Apple is not about strategy but rather capacity. The question that stands in the way of its heroic future is: How do we redesign the organization of our business to deliver on the following interconnected fronts?

  1. Doubling the number of Apple stores to facilitate broader adoption.
  2. Building iTunes into a media storehouse accessible across all screens (phone, TV, PC, etc.).
  3. Catapulting the iPhone into a 3G global platform that spans networks and geographies
  4. Turning the TV into a 21st-century device that can manage our media-intensive homes (more on this in a future article).
  5. Bringing the price point of Macs down further to make switching costs negligible
  6. Taking the iBook off the shelf and rebooting it as the breakthrough that the Newton promised (and failed) to be.
  7. Engineering OSX into a corporate-ready operating system that steals share from the Windows hegemony.
  8. And, oh yes, evolving the iPod to be an indispensable part of people’s lives for years to come.

To read more <…>

Originally posted at Blogspot on 2008-05-27 11:37:00 +0000 UTC