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Rich Internet Application Framework from Backbase

Rich apps changing the internet

I just ran across Backbase a well-designed thin script-based U/I development framework. It uses an XML-based User Interface language and leverages XHTML, CSS, and DOM. It requires no install /plugin/java/Flash yet is very powerful. It also seems to work fine in IE and Firefox. They use AJAX patterns heavily and leverage the browser XML namespace support. Some demos included - Shoping - New way to shop Portal - A new way to do responsive Portlets based U/I Google : Totally new way to experience search using Google API and using drag & drop to bookmark Backbase has introduced BXML, a declarative GUI language.

WebSphere Browser Framework and Faces Client

WebSphere Browser Framework (now called Faces Client) for WebSphere Studio provides a set of JSF based U/I Controls and Data Emitters for making Rich browser applications without server round trips. It provided client-side processing coupled with a client-side data model to reduce server and network loads and user wait times. The result: richly interactive Web applications that utilize JavaScript for client-side processing and data structuring without browser or client upgrades.

TIBCO General Interface (RIA)

Check out Jon Udell’s screencast showing a demo of the TIBCO General Interface, a JavaScript/DHTML framework for building Internet Apps. Blog Screencast: (8 mins.) The tool is built using a javascript based toolkit. Very cool and looks very detailed. I am waiting to play with it once it is out. My team did a similar framework for WebSphere Application Developer 5.1.2, called the Browser Framework and JSF Javascript Emitters.