Random Hitches

Through Tech & Biz Landscape

How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet

Douglas Adams, from the Hitchhikers fame, wrote this in 1999. Still so relevant. I had a chance to listen to him in the closing keynote at JavaOne in 1999. He is such a good speaker, makes you sit back and think of perspectives, not just on technology. I recommend reading the whole article. Here are some excerpts - I suppose earlier generations had to sit through all this huffing and puffing with the invention of television, the phone, cinema, radio, the car, the bicycle, printing, the wheel and so on, but you would think we would learn the way these things work, which is this:

Rich Internet Application Framework from Backbase

Rich apps changing the internet

I just ran across Backbase a well-designed thin script-based U/I development framework. It uses an XML-based User Interface language and leverages XHTML, CSS, and DOM. It requires no install /plugin/java/Flash yet is very powerful. It also seems to work fine in IE and Firefox. They use AJAX patterns heavily and leverage the browser XML namespace support. Some demos included - Shoping - New way to shop Portal - A new way to do responsive Portlets based U/I Google : Totally new way to experience search using Google API and using drag & drop to bookmark Backbase has introduced BXML, a declarative GUI language.

WebSphere Browser Framework and Faces Client

WebSphere Browser Framework (now called Faces Client) for WebSphere Studio provides a set of JSF based U/I Controls and Data Emitters for making Rich browser applications without server round trips. It provided client-side processing coupled with a client-side data model to reduce server and network loads and user wait times. The result: richly interactive Web applications that utilize JavaScript for client-side processing and data structuring without browser or client upgrades.

TIBCO General Interface (RIA)

Check out Jon Udell’s screencast showing a demo of the TIBCO General Interface, a JavaScript/DHTML framework for building Internet Apps. Blog Screencast: (8 mins.) The tool is built using a javascript based toolkit. Very cool and looks very detailed. I am waiting to play with it once it is out. My team did a similar framework for WebSphere Application Developer 5.1.2, called the Browser Framework and JSF Javascript Emitters.

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