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Through Tech & Biz Landscape

Should Early-Stage startups invest in Business Development?

At early-stage startups BD function, if grown in the right way, can amplify the go-to-market with minimal resources and bring opportunities that can change the trajectory of the company…

Rushing to Cloud Marketplaces is not a strategy

For software vendors, it is not just about getting on the catalog but also about building a product that maximizes the massive channel these cloud marketplaces open up Cloud Marketplaces from mega cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google GCP are in now, AWS Marketplace alone has 7500+ listings and over a million subscribers. Cloud is fundamentally transforming the supply chain of software and services. For any independent software vendor (ISV) today it is hard to ignore the havoc these cloud platforms are causing to their established way of building, marketing, and selling software.

Sample Some of Disc, Sample Some Of D.A.T.*

Recently read about the famous “Sampling Case” that involved George Clinton. Yes, the same George Clinton who ruled the 1970-1982 urban dance floors, mixing blues with earth-shaking bottom, cosmic consciousness, and some of the best guitar leads in dance music. He is also credited with giving birth to funk. It is exciting to see the parallels between the evolution of the music industry and virtualization-driven digitization to the computer industry.

Digitization of Desktop

Virtualization driven desktop consolidations are very much in the news now. VMware with VDI got it started, but others are rallying and catching on to the bandwagon very quickly. Though late to the party,Citrix, Microsoft and others are not sitting idle and are quickly catching up. Recent news on the licensing changes from Microsoft to support Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktops (VECD) looks like the tipping point for the adoption of desktop virtualization by the mainstream.

Announcing SuiteTwo.com - An enterprise 2.0 solution powered by Intel

Today Intel is announcing the launch of SuiteTwo.com – a collection of web2.0 stack jointly developed by leading web2.0 players that include – MOVABLETYPE, SimpleFeed, Socialtext, Newsgator and Spikesource. We are announcing this at the currently ongoing Tim O’Reilly web2.0 conference in San Francisco, CA. SuiteTwo is a rich set of interconnected services that combine to improve productivity and enable high-engagement marketing. SuiteTwo includes the most trusted platforms for blogs, wikis, RSS feed reading, and RSS feed management, all under a single management interface.