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Through Tech & Biz Landscape

Digitization of Desktop

Virtualization driven desktop consolidations are very much in the news now. VMware with VDI got it started, but others are rallying and catching on to the bandwagon very quickly. Though late to the party,Citrix, Microsoft and others are not sitting idle and are quickly catching up. Recent news on the licensing changes from Microsoft to support Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktops (VECD) looks like the tipping point for the adoption of desktop virtualization by the mainstream.

How IBM leverages Open Source

Dana Blankenhorn recently blogged about IBMs reaction to Sun’s Java plan and their approach to the open source ecosystem. I think Dana summarizes it very well. IBM believes Open Source is a great technology floor on which others and even IBM builds. But as Dana points out, it is naive to treat IBM as a Solutions and Services company with the rest of the software industry players, primarily software vendors like Oracle, SAP, RedHat, and Microsoft.

Announcing SuiteTwo.com - An enterprise 2.0 solution powered by Intel

Today Intel is announcing the launch of SuiteTwo.com – a collection of web2.0 stack jointly developed by leading web2.0 players that include – MOVABLETYPE, SimpleFeed, Socialtext, Newsgator and Spikesource. We are announcing this at the currently ongoing Tim O’Reilly web2.0 conference in San Francisco, CA. SuiteTwo is a rich set of interconnected services that combine to improve productivity and enable high-engagement marketing. SuiteTwo includes the most trusted platforms for blogs, wikis, RSS feed reading, and RSS feed management, all under a single management interface.

PCs and web2.0 : Part 2 PCs the perfect Interaction Engines

Last week I talked about how the evolving push towards services-based applications threatens the existing PCs role. There is a widespread fear that web2.0 and SaaS will finally kill the thick Moore’s law-driven PC, and we all will be either working on dumb terminals or the cell phone size devices that will run all our applications. Skeptics and realists are arriving and last week’s blog byJohn Milan talked about how Google’s desktop based application strategy is evolving.

PCs and web2.0 : Part 1 What made PCs so successful

There is enough written about the PCs' success and the overall impact it has had over decades. PCs are attributed to increased productivity, economic gains, and the creation of the Information Technology business. I don’t have to delve into it very much. I am looking at PCs and their role in the changing landscape of services-based applications, call it web2.0, SOA, or some flavor of SaaS. I am using the term PCs very loosely to refer PC