Random Hitches

Through Tech & Biz Landscape

Introducing Meshcentral.com

MeshCentral is an experimental service from Intel Software and Services Group. The service concept is the brainchild of the brilliant researcher Ylian Saint-Hilaire. I joined with Yllian early this year as the business guy to bring MESHCentral technologies to market. In a nutshell, MeshCentral is a very simple concept of allowing easier/scalable (P2P) ways to connect edge nodes (PC, embedded CE, routers, etc..) to Cloud Services that allow secure discovery with the ability to send authorized events and deliver secure control messages.

Sun Microsystems to sell 'virtual' Windows PCs

Now, who would have thought Sun would go to this length. But this shows the newfound maturity and the savviness of the young CEO. Sun now, with the acquisition, can provide a good stack for hosted desktop solutions. Sun Microsystems plans to introduce software and hardware to create “virtual” Windows and Linux personal computers that can be accessed via desktop machines, laptops and cell phones.“We are going to announce (it) soon,” said Steve Wilson, a Sun vice president involved in the project.

Apple's Secret Weapon

First, they start with a product (not in their core competency) – iPod. Connected it to their core product iMac and built a service around it iTunes (which btw also worked on Windows, covering 99% of desktops). Then they added another complement AppleTV and now iPhone & Safari. Slowly they have circled the Consumer Home, PC ecosystem, and Cellphone and established what Geoffery Moore would call a 'New Platform boundary.'

Digitization of Desktop

Virtualization driven desktop consolidations are very much in the news now. VMware with VDI got it started, but others are rallying and catching on to the bandwagon very quickly. Though late to the party,Citrix, Microsoft and others are not sitting idle and are quickly catching up. Recent news on the licensing changes from Microsoft to support Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktops (VECD) looks like the tipping point for the adoption of desktop virtualization by the mainstream.

Announcing SuiteTwo.com - An enterprise 2.0 solution powered by Intel

Today Intel is announcing the launch of SuiteTwo.com – a collection of web2.0 stack jointly developed by leading web2.0 players that include – MOVABLETYPE, SimpleFeed, Socialtext, Newsgator and Spikesource. We are announcing this at the currently ongoing Tim O’Reilly web2.0 conference in San Francisco, CA. SuiteTwo is a rich set of interconnected services that combine to improve productivity and enable high-engagement marketing. SuiteTwo includes the most trusted platforms for blogs, wikis, RSS feed reading, and RSS feed management, all under a single management interface.